5 Principles Of Change Management Every Leader Must Remember

When it comes to altering the organisational culture of a business, project leaders will inevitably face some opposition. Being able to implement a change whilst taking into account the viewpoints of those who are against it is an essential skill, but it can be easy to forget these five basic principles of change management:

  1. Every member of a team is bound to have a different reaction to the change.

Allow your team members to have their own response – whether positive or negative – and talk to them about it after the shock of the suggested change has worn off.

  1. Try to meet the needs of the team members.

It could be that the fundamental needs of some team members are met by the change, but it will probably also mean that the change has not met the requirements of some other individuals. Try your best to meet the needs of everyone. If this is not possible, see if there is any way of mitigating the circumstances.

  1. Keep expectations in check.

Make sure certain team members don’t become disillusioned by what the changes mean, so that no-one ends up disappointed with the outcome.

  1. Respond to any worries.

Don’t let team members become overwhelmed by the changes and be sure to sooth any fears they may have.

  1. Finally, acknowledge the sense of loss.

Appreciate that some team members may have been at the company for a long time and only know one way of doing things. A big change can often bring with it a sense of loss which needs to be responded to accordingly.

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