9 things I’ve learnt in my first 9 days with Nine Feet Tall

Starting a new job is always nerve wracking. Add to that a global pandemic, remote working and starting just after a Bank Holiday. The last two weeks have been interesting to say the least! Here are nine things I have learnt in my first nine days of being orange. (That’s our brand colour and we talk a lot about our “orange sauce”.)

  1. The power of a great set up – Nine Feet Tall have provided me with hardware and a contribution to a new desk and suitable chair to ensure my set up is as inviting and productive as possible. I will always be a two screen queen so this was really important to me. It also meant from my first day, I had everything I needed.
  2. Sharing is caring – from day one my colleagues have been offering time, advice and experience. Despite joining remotely I’ve not felt isolated thanks to this collaborative approach.
  3. Consulting 101 – I have already seen how clients look to us as leading the way in best practice. Our advice is sought and appreciated, and that is replicated internally, where internal projects draw on team strengths and experience. As consultants I believe we also need to more closely consider the audience for communications and ensure our outputs are aligned to the project aims set by the client.
  4. The choice is, well, mine – when I met all of the Nine Feet Tall Partners (virtually,) they asked me what my areas of interest were and where I saw my future career going. To be asked this so openly and with the intention of seeing how that could be aligned to the company strategy reiterates what a fantastic opportunity for growth I have with Nine Feet Tall.
  5. Pets are allowed – despite my cat demanding attention by walking over my keyboard and closing all my windows whilst on a call. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  6. Meeting my mentor – at Nine Feet Tall we all have a mentor. Kate, my mentor, called me on my first day to welcome me and as we both live in the same city, we met up for a drink on my first Friday. Kate and I had a really honest conversation about my aims and how she can support me. She’s a wealth of knowledge and a fellow cat lover, so I think I have lucked out.
  7. Friday Five – each Friday we have a round up from the management team (5 mins each) and then we get randomly assigned groups for a chat over coffee. This has been such a great way to have a chat with members of the team I might not be working with on a project for a while.
  8. Acronyms are king – deciphering the acronyms used internally by clients and in the consulting world in general should be a Quiz Show! Nine Feet Tall try to be jargon free and if the odd acronym crops up it quickly gets explained.
  9. Getting creative – my favourite output to date has been creating a logo for a project as part of an integrated communications strategy. It got my creative juices flowing and as change activities ramp up, having a strong project identity can assist in recognition and identity for the change network. (Lets just hope the client likes it!)

Nine Feet Tall are currently recruiting, so if this has tempted you to find out more, please do. We (I can say that now) are a fun bunch who want to deliver great work to our clients and I am excited to see where my Nine Feet Tall journey takes me. For more information click here or contact Recruitment@NineFeetTall.com

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