There is a real pressure to change and transform. The driver for some organisations is survival. Others need to be able to compete more effectively. Some want to increase market share and grow. Whatever is at the root of the need for change, organisations find themselves with an infinite number of programmes to deliver, and with limited resources.
So where do you start? How can you go about prioritising and sequencing projects which all seem to be important? Often Portfolio Management is taken for granted, when actually, establishing a well put together and structured portfolio of projects is a real art.
Achieving the right balance of investment, pace of change and scale of change is never easy. Luckily, we have years of experience in setting up portfolios for success and getting the framework right to manage delivery. We can help to utilise available resource to identify, prioritise and sequence the initiatives which will have the highest impact.
Just Enough Governance
It is vital to establish clear understanding and buy-in to the portfolio prioritisation process from the executive team. But at Nine Feet Tall we believe the portfolio can be put at risk from too much or too little governance. That’s why we believe “just enough governance” is the winning formula. Just enough structure to give control, just enough governance to create tight and consistent management information, but not too much that Project Managers are weighed down by processes and the bureaucracy that follows.