Is your organisation capable of change?

Often leaders like the idea of change… but implementing long lasting and effective change isn’t easy. We talk about this as having change capability.

Change capability is an organisation’s ability to plan, design, and implement change effectively and efficiently across their business. In essence, it is a measure of agility, of how capable a company is of delivering long term change with minimal disruption to both the operations of the business and the people that work within it.

Use our free tool below to assess how capable your organisation currently is at delivering change. You’ll receive a report with tips on how to combat resistance to change and develop a culture which understands and embraces inevitable change.

It only takes 5 minutes, so grab a coffee and answer the questions by scoring the statements below between 1 (limited) and 5 (thriving).

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You are able create a clear and compelling vision and identify benefits for change initiatives, ensuring these are aligned to the overall business strategy.


Leaders in your organisation can successfully sponsor and drive change initiatives.


You have the necessary skills across the organisation to implement successful change.


Your change management processes and tools are well defined and documented.


You have enough of the right people in place to successfully deliver change alongside business-as-usual activities.


Securing support for change initiatives from key stakeholders in the wider business is easy.


Your messages always reach the right people at the right time and generate the right response to dispel fear of change.


You have identified a strong network to help boost change across your organisation.


Your organisation has welcomed and embraced change in the past.


Your organisation has welcomed and embraced change in the past.

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