On Wednesday 16th February at 12:30pm, Nine Feet Tall and Bristol Law Society will host an interactive workshop to understand how law firms can adapt to move away from traditional ways of working. Registrations are now open, click here to book your place.
After a much anticipated return to the office, we are mostly continuing to carry out our work remotely. The constant shifts in how we work means we need to build agility into our working structures and hierarchies, decision making frameworks and ways of working. We must become adaptable in order to still deliver our services in continuously changing circumstances. But how?
Join us for an interactive session where we will address:
– The changes in our legal landscape
– Cultural issues and resistance to changes in working structures
– Managing client and employee expectations
– Building an agile and adaptable team for the future
– The High Performing Law Firm of the Future
This workshop will be hosted by Nine Feet Tall Partner and Legal Lead, Tiggy Robinson. This event will be particularly relevant for: Managing Partners, Chief People Officers / HRDs, CFOs, COOs, Heads of Transformation, Practice Heads
Click here to reserve your place.