Boost Your Health Whilst Working From Home

The first week of January can feel like a tidal wave! Remembering where you left off on everything and managing all the meetings that you deferred until the new year. Then there’s the pressure to deliver on your personal new year goals and resolutions too.

You don’t need an extreme new year, new you plan to stay healthy whilst returning to work in the new year. We know the basics but often forget to implement them when busy workloads take over. We find a few sensible changes here and there can make a world of difference, so here are our top tips for staying healthy whilst working remotely this January…

  1. Drink more water – There are many benefits of staying hydrated such as boosting your energy levels and improving concentration. It is vital to your health to stay hydrated – and water is always the healthiest choice for quenching your thirst! If you don’t like water, why not try infusing it with fruits such as blueberries or lemons.
  2. Eat a balanced diet – Preparing a well-balanced meal alongside your busy schedule can be tough, but making time to eat can help maintain a healthy weight. Try to avoid the latest fad diet as they are often unrealistic and do not promote sustainable change to your eating habits. Instead try eating a healthy balanced diet every day.
  3. Posture – When sitting at your desk for 8 hours a day, it can sometimes be hard to avoid slouching at your desk. Ensure you reflect on your posture at regular intervals throughout the day and change the way you are sitting as often as possible. Get up and move around every hour to improve circulation and concentration. It is also crucial to ensure desk equipment is set up properly and that your desk is set up to your specification to avoid RSI.
  4. Change of work focus – If you fall victim to the ‘post-lunch energy slump’ it is important to manage your task list appropriately. Categorise your task-list and ensure the urgent and important tasks are completed first thing in the morning when your focus is at its best, leaving the simple tasks for the afternoon. Completing tasks can create a sense of achievement and improve your overall satisfaction and confidence.
  5. Exercise – You can substitute your commute time for an online workout, quick run or a dog walk to make sure that you always have exercise planned into your day. Taking time to exercise is not only good for you physically, but also for your headspace – which makes you more productive.
  6. Team social and sporting events – We might not all be sharing office space at the moment, but we can certainly still meet for a friendly game of football or rounders. Wrap up warm and encourage the whole team to come along. You could tie a sorting event in to raising money for charity. This will spur the team on to take part and make new connections within the local community, as well as creating a sense of achievement.
  7. Take time out – Ensure you have a healthy work-life balance. Don’t work all the time and make sure you have plans to take annual leave where available, so you have the chance to completely disconnect from your work commitments to recharge your batteries. When you come back to work you’ll have refreshed your mind ready to continue with vigour!
  8. Identify stress early on – Learn to identify symptoms of stress and get help to prioritise workload. Don’t sit and wait until you get ill from your symptoms. Instead make sure you’re regularly checking in with yourself to keep bubbling stress and the January Blues in check.
  9. Share, share share! – Your funny stories, your successes, even your lunch. Make sure your team are communicating and still can enjoy some of the office vibe whilst working remotely. Sharing successes will have a ripple effect and spread the joy. Our brain releases dopamine when we feel a sense of achievement so make sure the right people are getting public praise too.

Culture is key to creating a workplace which embraces wellness. If you feel like your organisation needs to change it’s cultural approach to wellness we would be happy to advise. Get in touch today, contact

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