Anchor Housing Association is a national provider of housing and services for people in later life and have a portfolio of over 19,000 properties available for rent, sale or shared ownership throughout the UK. Launched more than 50 years ago, their expertise and track record in innovation make them a trusted provider for those wishing to live independent, active and fulfilling lives.

Anchor Housing Association
Portfolio improvement and management
Anchor Housing set about gaining clarity and visibility of the status of projects within their portfolio, with a view to tightening processes and introducing standardised ways of working that would enhance their efficiency and ability to deliver projects. We were engaged to support in reviewing and improving their portfolio structure and governance as well as providing a light touch audit of their existing projects. We implemented robust governance and increased the control and visibility of all the projects within Anchor’s newly created portfolio.
Improved rigor and governance to support the effective management of a portfolio of projects
Board Assurance
Having restructured and prioritised the change portfolio, Nine Feet Tall provided quality assurance and guidance on the programme steering board. Nine Feet Tall worked closely with the project managers to help prepare for the Board meetings, ensuring detailed and accurate information was available on the progress of existing projects, and outline business cases for new initiatives. Nine Feet Tall provided support, challenge and were able to plug risks and gaps before these became an issue.
Transparency & accelerated the project
Nine Feet Tall picked up a difficult project that was drifting for some years. They brought rigour, structure and clarity. They developed a realistic plan, which they delivered, with first class and timely communications to keep all stakeholders up to date.
Paul WallworkDirector of Finance, Anchor Housing