Stevenage Borough Council is the local authority for the Stevenage non-metropolitan district of England. It is located in the North-East of Hertfordshire and consists of 39 elected members.

Stevenage Borough Council
Strategic development and implementation
Stevenage Borough Council's leadership team embarked on a change programme that set about redefining its five year plan, including fully revising the objectives and efficiency targets. Our team was brought in to translate the strategy into a clear delivery plan. We defined clear milestones and success factors and established a transformation team to make it happen. Our team were then engaged further to lead the efficiency programme, prioritise the activities and streamline the end to end processes.
Delivered strategic five-year plan, streamlined processes and generated efficiencies.
Nine Feet Tall were able to translate our strategic initiatives into a clearly prioritised action plan.
Nick ParryChief Executive, Stevenage Borough Council