Change Management: A real life change journey

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An incredible, personal and honest account of a real life change journey from one of our Managers here at Nine Feet Tall. Gayle Lui reflects on the changes she has made over the last couple of years looking at it through the lense of...
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Digital Transformation: Measuring the value of your technical debt efforts

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What is technical debt? Digital transformation can take on many shapes and sizes. Imagine you’re looking to streamline your digital processes and your IT team have identified some cost savings which could be achieved by changing existing code… You may find that this results...
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Dependencies in project management: everything you need to know

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Project dependencies are defined as “asks that require input from other tasks to be completed, or activities that can’t start until a previous activity is done” (Prince 2). What are project dependencies? Imagine you are making yourself a cup of tea. In order to...
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The importance of Change Management in Digital Transformation

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70% of all digital transformations fail. This is due to organisations over prioritising technology and under valuing the very things that enables the technology to deliver- the people, processes, and culture. Therefore, organisational change management is crucial for the successful implementation of digital transformation...
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