ERP Out of the Box

Doesn’t everyone want a simple plug-in ERP solution?

One that requires no development and only simple set-up configuration.

Just think about the cost savings… no investment in tech developers, a much faster implementation, no complex IT issues to test, standard training materials and the upgrade to the next version could just be an automated refresh.

Go vanilla we say – simple.

CIOs and Heads of technology have always bought into this approach. But then come the stakeholders and process owners. Once we take a deeper look at what the new ERP solution can do – whether this is Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, SAP S/4 Hana, Netsuite, Sage or any of the many systems out there, it is clear that processes and ways for working will need to be adapted to be able to adopt the standard functionality.

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With our many years of experience we’ve heard all of the reasons to resist this change in process…
“We are different and cannot adopt best practice as we have niche ways of working that must be replicated”

There is a real concern that change will make organisations lose their edge and flexibility. But in reality this is rarely the case. Differentiation comes from the product, the services and the people – not the underlying technology.

“It is too complicated to change and we don’t believe that it will work”

It is hard to change deep rooted ways of working and practices. People will need to break the routine and develop new skills and knowledge to work effectively.

“Knowledge is power”

By standardising processes, people will use their specific knowledge that makes them invaluable to the business and will resist that at all cost.

“But what about the customer… we need to protect them at all costs”

Customers should not be impacted, and all customer outputs should remain identical for a concern of customer churn. But we’ll ask you this – will they really turn away if service is improved?

“Transparency might hamper the freedom and creativity we give our employees”

Big brother will be able to watch over you and will be able to analyse throughput and productivity. There is a fear that this will result in increasing targets and stricter performance management.

“Automation removes jobs”

By simplifying and automating processes, less people will be required and job losses will be on the horizon.

“Our tech team have flagged a few development challenges… we’re a bit nervous to commit”

The technical gurus love solving a complicated IT problem and showing off their IT skills. It is in their professional interest to promote complexity.

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Can it be built? Of course it can.

But it will come at a cost. To please the management, the teams and the customers, will mean moving away from vanilla to mint-choc chip.

It is tough to get engagement, buy in and support for out-of-the box implementations but it will pay off.

Our Nine Feet Tall change adoption framework will help your organisation on the way to success:

  1. Clearly articulated change vision
  2. Leadership to champion change
  3. Rapid decision making
  4. Articulating the benefits to the organisation and individuals
  5. Addressing fears and concerns
  6. Creating a structure with more meaningful jobs
  7. Harnessing the power of people
  8. Alignment of recognition and reward
  9. Changing behaviours and culture

Now doesn’t that just sound lovely!

As ever, happy to help… all you have to do is drop us a line contact us.

From the blog

  • ERP Cybersecurity Considerations for Successful Deployment

  • Choosing the Right Technology as an IT Leader: From Legacy to Leading-Edge

  • Customisation vs. Configuration: Finding the Right Balance in Your ERP