Nine Resolutions for a Healthier Work Place

As a very different looking new year begins, let’s get it off to a good start in spite of the pandemic and new lockdown measures. Healthier lifestyle changes usually play a part in January as we try to be our best selves and stick to those resolutions. How about we take a look at what we can tweak in our work lives to become healthier? Here are some resolutions to mull over…

  • Be open to change

Our mission is to create a world where change is embraced and people maximise their talents to make a difference. Last year taught us that change is often outside of our control and being adaptable and responsive to new entities can be a good thing.

  • Reach out and collaborate

Business culture has evolved and competitors can now happily collaborate for mutual benefit. Remember the Burger King tweet last year conceding that “ordering a Big Mac is not such a bad thing?” * Or when the UK Supermarkets united** to stand up to racist comments directed at Sainsbury’s? Your customers will love that you can work harmoniously with the “enemy” and you won’t lose their loyalty.

  • Remember the power of audio

We have Zoomed, shared screens, consumed webinars, found our favourite gifs and mastered the virtual white board… isn’t it time we gave our eyes a rest and just picked up the phone now and then? Or swapped a webinar for a podcast? Audio can be liberating: you can move around, complete mundane chores, you can listen better without visual distractions on screen, you can close your eyes to absorb more… Our visual digital world is marvellous – but sometimes it‘s just good to simply listen.

  • Find a digital forum for your team

“If one more person asks me where to find that document today! ….” Forums and social networking services can work really well when you have a question and others will also benefit from knowing the answer. Have a look at Yammer, Slack and other forums including Facebook and LinkedIn’s closed groups. These are a great way to interact and share posts which will benefit all. Saves you having to repeat things over again.

  • Ditch some meetings

In the interests of both inclusion and efficiency, are meetings always the best way to make decisions? Matt Mullenweg, Founder of Automattic, once said meetings were simply a place for people to react to new information***. Often it is the same voices which dominate and diversity of thought is lost. Would your new digital forum allow for discussion and input into decision making rather than another meeting?

  • Celebrate successes

No matter how small, a success is a success. Make sure you take pride in the people and the work which has lead to a positive outcome. A little reward can go a long way!

  • Focus on adding value

If something adds no value, why do it? Your customers will expect value and so should you. Now is the time to spot waste and cut it out. No more doing things because they have always been done… find the areas of work which deliver value and invest in them.

  • Make time for fun

We aren’t machines, we are emotional beings who can experience stress. Find a way to put the tools down and have a laugh with your team and do it often. Not just once, regularly. Re-energise your company’s culture and lift that team spirit.

  • Invite feedback

Does your culture allow for people to express themselves? Can you honestly say yours is an inclusive organisation, embracing everybody equally and encouraging different ideas? It is empowering when somebody asks what you really think and everyone should be afforded that opportunity. If your virtual door has been closed, maybe think about how you can open it.

So whilst you adopt your new workout plan, or commit to a dry January, also give some thought to how you can bring a resolution or two to your business. For more information on change management contact




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