Corona cabin fever: Your household provides a real life example of how teams respond to change still ambiguity and uncertainty. Having regular forums for leaders and managers to ask questions and share answers is key. The importance of listening – taking the time to understand...
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How to Plan Effective Communications for an ERP Implementation

...stakeholder radar chart. This tool aids in mapping out communication frequencies and levels of detail required for different stakeholders. By categorising stakeholders into ‘Vital to engage,’ ‘Necessary to engage,’ ‘Good...
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Project Assurance – The Ultimate Checklist

...are completed and project roles are recognised? Regarding progress reporting, is it clear how and when it is shared and tested? How do the key stakeholders view progress and how...
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Our project management guide to reopening stores

...governance and controls are in place to both guide and review performance the same should be at the heart of retailer strategies for re-opening success. Use project approaches to measure...
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