Keeping Dreaded Scope Creep At Bay During an ERP Implementation prioritised. 7. Change Control Process Change is inevitable when it comes to implementing ERP. New requirements will emerge, issues or challenges come to light, company priorities may change and...
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Innovate, Innovate, Innovate get ahead of competitors while they focus on the day to day. For more information about innovation in the construction sector, please contact Refs: (1) (2)
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Business Continuity Planning

...front foot. We are offering businesses free workshops to help reprioritise and plan, not just to navigate but to also accelerate for when things pick up. Contact for details....
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Nine Feet Tall move into new office

...chapter for the business that we can’t wait for. Our move to Northgate House will complement and improve the way that we work and come together. All of our consultants...
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