News, press, blogs
and thought leadership...
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We like to keep up to date with the latest news and trends and also like to share a thought or two ourselves. Here you will find an array of insights on managing business transformation and how to achieve project success, see what our team have been up to and who we have been working with in our press section.
Finding the Right Balance in Your ERP Making sure an ERP works for your company and your requirements is key, but can be surprisingly tricky. A challenge often encountered when implementing an ERP system is knowing the difference between customisation and configuration and the...
At a time when many companies across a broad spectrum of industries are examining underneath the bonnet to see how healthy the engine looks, one of the considerations must be how the organisation can run with increased agility and efficiency in order to emerge...
Clearly the experience of the current crisis will fundamentally change people’s attitude to work, and will have lasting consequences for most sectors with dramatic shifts in customer behaviour. For more information on our collaboration with Royds Withy King to create a blueprint please follow...
As the UK government announce plans to slowly lift restrictions and begin the move towards ending the lockdown and restarting our economy, a new phase in the Covid-19 period is upon us. The end of the lockdown will not mean a return to the...
How things have changed in the last 8 weeks. Many organisations have mothballed their projects due to the impact of Covid-19 on sales, staff and long-term business strategy. As businesses move from initial crisis management mode towards forward thinking and new approached now is...
Whilst Covid has clearly had an impact on ways of working, the current climate and priorities, we have managed to continue to deliver our IT and business projects at pace and we would like to share some examples of the challenges we have overcome....
There is only one certainty and that is that life is already now different and will be different again post the pandemic. Looking at any parameters or statistics you can clearly see that this is a seismic global event, both on a health and...
The current pandemic has had widespread economic impacts that will endure for many months and beyond. Nowhere have these more rapidly hit than in the UK retail sector. The British Retail Consortium has reported March 2020 as the steepest decline on record as largely...
We are now all well versed to continuing our conversations, workshops and meetings remotely and as well as the obvious benefit of cutting out the commute and travel time, we have also seen some real improvements in meeting etiquette, productivity and the human connection....
6 weeks into isolation and in our house we have reached, not quite a routine, but a way of operating, which has been honed through a balance of listening and negotiating through countless tears and tantrums. In many ways it has been the most...
By now we are all well-versed in working remotely and the novelty is wearing off rapidly. I am spending my entire day on Teams, Skype and Zoom, requiring high levels of concentration and I feel my eyes have gone square! I am sure we...