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We like to keep up to date with the latest news and trends and also like to share a thought or two ourselves. Here you will find an array of insights on managing business transformation and how to achieve project success, see what our team have been up to and who we have been working with in our press section.
Finding the Right Balance in Your ERP Making sure an ERP works for your company and your requirements is key, but can be surprisingly tricky. A challenge often encountered when implementing an ERP system is knowing the difference between customisation and configuration and the...
In the UK, as Prime Minister Boris Johnson has returned to work on 27 April 2020, the economy in many sectors is in a zombie-like state of decline. The economic output level has also declined at unprecedented speed. What’s Been Going On? Remote working,...
Surfing must be one of the most exciting, challenging, frustrating, but yet exhilarating sports. It is never the same. A sport with many variables, some that you can control and some that are outside your control. As we find ourselves in the current situation...
Gartner describes operational resilience as: A set of techniques that allow people, processes and informational systems to adapt to changing patterns. It is the ability to alter operations in the face of changing business conditions. Operational resilience is now more relevant than ever. All businesses –...
Projects continuously present challenging and complex scenarios to businesses and their project teams, requiring careful management and effective collaboration with stakeholders to overcome any risks or blockers to successful delivery. The current Coronavirus pandemic has caused uncertainty and impacted every facet of business. In...
Definition of a workshop: a meeting at which a group of people engage in intensive discussion and activity on a particular subject or project. With more of us switching to online meetings, consultations and socials, inevitably, workshops have also gone online. But how do...
We’re in this together. Every organisation will be experiencing seismic change right now and we want to help. That is why we have set up a virtual drop-in group on LinkedIn. Our Founder and CEO, Esther McMorris, will answer your questions and share tips...
With so much uncertainty amidst the outbreak of Coronavirus, the retail sector has undoubtedly been hit hard. However, there are some that have adapted fast and are thriving. Some, despite adapting to an online or home delivery model, have been overwhelmed. We all heard...
Remember that scene in Back to the Future II where Needles calls Marty on the television? In 1989 this felt as far away as hoverboards and hydrated pizza… Now we are running daily meetings, workshops, webinars and consultations via our screens. Delivering a workshop...
We are being advised to stay at home. What are the implications to your business? Do you have a Business Continuity Plan in place to adapt to changing situations? According to government statistics, 40% of businesses affected by the Manchester bombing in 2017 went...
So, we’ve set up our favourite place to work at home and got into a productive routine. After two weeks of getting comfy in our chairs, we wonder… will we actually need to visit the office again? There are clear benefits to remote working...