Women’s Sports Week: Q&A with Bath Ladies’ Amy Jones

To mark Women’s Sports Week we sat down with our very own Amy Jones for a Q&A session about her experiences in sport and Bath Ladies RFC:

So you currently play for Bath Ladies RFC, did you play any sports before starting rugby?

I’ve always been a runner and adventure sport enthusiast, I used to love where the trail could take you and just getting lost in the outdoors or around London where I studied. But I unfortunately had an injury which meant long distance running wouldn’t be possible, so I adapted and I haven’t looked back!

What drew you to the sport?

I’ve always watched rugby with friends and joined in with the occasional game at school; to the boys’ disapproval. But it was seeing how powerful these women are when they are on the pitch and how they stood side by side that got me hooked.

Bath Ladies has had great success over the last few years, what would you say is the biggest reason for this?

Positivity! We train incredibly hard at Bath Ladies and are all pushed to our limits sometimes but the team holds one another up, which is an incredible thing to be a part of. Plus, our coaches (John Gould and Rob Pickup) are pretty mean with their drill ideas.

What’s your proudest sporting achievement?

I have conquered some big challenges so far; running 36 miles, player of the match for the hardest game of my life, running up Snowdon, some gnarly ski jumps). However, I think one of my favourite achievements was winning the Hope Cove bank holiday run for the second year. I was 12 but I snuck into the age group above and still managed to win! Running the final bit with my family there is pretty unforgettable.

What’s been your biggest sporting challenge?

The same game I received player of the match is, to this date, my most hated game. I’d had little sleep the night before and it was freezing, but I warmed up hard and put my worries to the back of my mind. After the first hit, I can only remember constant defence, opposition attitude, hard hits and ultimately a defeat. In that game every single player dug their studs in, worked hard and stayed professional. That feeling will always stay with me and I hope it’ll drive me on in our new league.

Who’s your sporting idol?

Every single woman that plays a sport and works hard at it! …and of course Sonny Bill Williams!

Have you ever faced any prejudice/abuse as a woman in sport?

Unfortunately yes. Because a lot of the sports I enjoy are male dominated, you get quite a bit of prejudice, from men and women. But how incredible is it that, hopefully, in my lifetime I will get to see this completely change? It’s amazing that young girls won’t be restricted by this invisible divide and they will be able to grow up however they want and play whichever sport they want.

How do you think we can encourage more women to get into sport?

I think simply by getting the word out there. Social media and sporting campaigns have played a huge part in letting women know they have a home. That you don’t have to be a certain size or shape or age or nationality to be who you are.

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